Just Because You’re Tired of Covid Doesn’t Mean It’s Over
I was at the market and saw a guy with a t-shirt that said he survived Covid and I asked him how did he survive
I was at the market and saw a guy with a t-shirt that said he survived Covid and I asked him how did he survive
Being Pro-Life doesn’t mean you can pick and choose when you can be Pro-Life or not. You can’t just be concerned about an unborn child
When President Biden said, “Fund the police” during his State of the Union speech I could do nothing but cringe. Funding the police is not
As workers continue to quit their jobs en masse and places of business struggle to stay open, the real reason for this mass exodus keep
This post is for all the ignorant, unabashed racists out there. The ones that call the police on African Americans for having a BBQ in
The Coronavirus not only overwhelmed out healthcare systems into complete failure it also rendered our economy useless. Stocks plummeted, jobs were lost and people are
With Congress set to approve a stimulus package because of the Coronavirus, no bailouts should be given to big businesses or industries. Their shady practices
For me the best analogy I can come up with to describe the Coronavirus pandemic is what happened to Asgard in the movie, “Thor Ragnarok.”
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