The religious right and MAGA brand of Republicans that control the government in Florida love to ban things. Books, trans people, African American studies etc., you name it, they ban it. So it’s not surprising that they would come for porn next. Florida’s Pornhub ban, or basically ban on online porn in general, which took effect on January 1st, 2025, was it’s feeble and soon to be realized latest failed attempt at trying to control the lives of its citizens.
Technically Florida isn’t banning Pornhub, but wrote a law that states that it will require viewers of online pornography in Florida to first verify their age by uploading their “government identity documents” — such as a driver’s license — to a third-party company for review. While Governor Ron Desantis says the bill is aimed at protecting minors from accessing porn, what it is truly is another attempt at government telling it’s citizens what it can and cannot do. The political party that hates big government sure loves to use it when it aligns with their “beliefs.”
I agree that minors should not have access to porn, but I rather we have laws that give them better access to education, but the religious right doesn’t care about that. They’re afraid of trans and gay people brainwashing their kids, but religion is the only one that does the brainwashing. They’ll complain that Easter fell on Trans Rights Day and how it’s the Democrats and Biden’s fault, but why can’t it be the fault of Christianity? It’s Christianity that can’t decide every year what day Jesus died on.
The problem that I have with, in theory, Florida’s Pornhub ban is that the state is basically trying to capture the ID’s of people who view porn from their house. And do you really trust the government, let alone the 3rd party company they hired, to keep your identity safe? They might as well flash the word identity theft and fraud in the air like one of those UFOs that people keep posting about even though they’re planes.
And let’s be honest, there is no way that you can realistically prevent minors from accessing porn. The internet has so many back ways and channels that it makes it impossible to block it all. You have a better chance of catching your preacher molesting kids that it is to stop kids from finding porn. Just go to TikTok or Instagram and you can see the woman talking about sleeping with 100 guys in a night as practice for her goal of 1000. Now tell me how can we block that?
The Political Hypocrisy

Want to talk about political hypocrisy in regards to protecting minors from accessing porn? There is a photo of Matt Gaetz and Ron Desantis with convicted felon Joel Greenberg. Who is Joel Greenberg? Funny you ask. Joel Greenberg was former tax collector of Seminole County, Florida. In 2020, Greenberg was arrested and charged with multiple federal offenses. He was indicted on 33 criminal counts: theft, stalking, sex trafficking, cryptocurrency fraud, and Small Business Administration loan fraud.
And Matt Gaetz who quit Congress to prevent his ethics report coming out is not angel either. In that now leaked report, Gaetz was found to have paid minors for sex and provided them with drugs. Let me guess he is a God fearing man right?
And there is Desantis pictured with the both of them. Birds of the feather flock together. He’s standing next to a sex trafficker and a man who raped a minor. Yet these are the politicians who are going to protect minors from porn? They can’t even protect minors from themselves.
Do I even have to mention the Palm Beach resident and soon to be inaugurated Trump and his record of being found liable of rape, sexual assault and everything else? Trump and his best friend Jeffrey Epstein has been accused of raping a 13yr old. The party of morals right?
While I have no issue with laws preventing minors from easily accessible porn, I have an issue when the people writing these laws are the ones also committing crimes against minors. Feels like Florida’s Pornhub ban is more of a coverup for the crimes the Republican party of the state has committed. They do have a pretty good track records of abusing minors. Where there are minors there usually is Trump, Gaetz and their ilk.
Getting Around the Ban
I believe adults should be able to do what they want in their house without government interference. If some guy or woman wants to watch porn to relax after a hard day at work, that is their right. Now with Florida’s Pornhub ban, they have to upload their ID to watch it. Might as well give them the last 4 of your social, your date of birth and your mother’s maiden name because the amount of fraud and identity theft this is about to come from this law is going to be worse than the law itself. Who is going to protect the identity of the citizens?
Now there is a way to get around Florida’s Pornhub ban, use a VPN. What is a VPN you ask? A VPN establishes a digital connection between your computer and a remote server owned by a VPN provider, creating a point-to-point tunnel that encrypts your personal data, masks your IP address, and lets you sidestep website blocks and firewalls on the internet.
A VPN encrypts your data and routes it through another location to anonymize your online activities. Here’s why you should use a VPN:
- Easy access — a VPN changes your IP address to make you appear outside Texas. Since Pornhub only blocks IP addresses of states with similar porn bans, the restrictions won’t apply to you.
- Security and privacy — besides encrypting your traffic, a top VPN blocks trackers, ads, and malware.
- Staying anonymous — a VPN turns your porn streaming traffic into unreadable code so third parties can’t snoop on you.
- Stream on restricted networks — certain networks block access to adult websites. A VPN changes your IP address to get around such restrictions.
Some VPNs are free and others you have to pay for. If you’re a subscriber to Norton and their Anti-virus program, it comes with a VPN as well. Take with that what you will. If you don’t want to comply with giving your ID to a 3rd party then using a VPN is the best option for you to watch Pornhub or whatever porn website tickles your fancy you dirty animal.
Every day more of our rights are being eroded by people in government who claim to be helping and protecting us. What makes it more egregious are that they taking their marching orders from these religious zealots and wannabe alpha males. What’s next? Are they going to make us give our ID to be listed when we buy condoms because there are certain sect of dummies who believe sex should only be for procreation and not recreation?
Of course those in that particular sect shouldn’t be worried about having sex for procreation or recreation because it’s blatantly obvious they’re not having any kind of sex whatsoever.
Some laws are pointless and merely written to make certain people look smart and responsible. There were laws and even a campaign for a War on Drugs and look how well that worked. You can’t stop minors from accessing porn any more than you can stop a priest from being a child molester or a Republican politician from Florida for that matter.
Photo by franco alva on Unsplash