Prostitution Should be Legalized

I know there are a lot of people clutching their bibles and pearls just trying to fathom the thoughts of why prostitution should be legalized. And speaking of bibles, didn’t Jesus hang out with a prostitute and didn’t she play a pivotal role in his life? There are even stories that they were even married, yet prostitution is a dirty thing.

Prostitution is the oldest profession. Been around forever and ever, yet as American we frown upon it. Well the Puritan aspect of America frown upon it. I’m sure you know someone who paid someone to get a little something something.

I, myself, never had employed the services of a prostitute before, but I did ask one how much a hand job was once. I just wanted to see how much money I was saving myself.

Who cares if an adult is paying someone to perform a service in which they’re offering. It’s because it’s sex it’s dirty right?

It’s like the same people who are making laws against it are the same ones who are paying prostitutes for services. The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.

Hell, there are rumors that Lauren Boebert was raising more than just campaign funds when she was first trying to get elected as a Congress Woman.

All I’m saying is that the people who tell you not to do it and how bad it is blah blah blah are the same ones sticking their you know what through holes in a remote truck stop for some stranger to suck on.

And don’t get me started on how a certain A list celebrity was nominated for an Academy Award for portraying a prostitute.

It’s ok to glorify prostitution on the big screen, but don’t do it in real life. Not every prostitute looks like Julia Roberts right?

And with that, here are my reasons why I think prostitution should be legalized:

Sex Workers can Form a Union

That’s right, unionized sex workers. They have to get a license to be a sex worker. They have health benefits and they have to get tested monthly for diseases etc. and if they do contract a curable disease they would have their license temporarily suspended until they have a clean bill of health.

Not only would they get health insurance they could possibly get a pension and perhaps training for other job fields once they decide this work is no longer for them.

Instead of performing their services in cars or alleys in public view, they would need to have a place of business to perform their services. It would need to be clean and sterilized and pass an inspection.

And if they’re unionized there is no need for pimps either.

Reduces Crime

Imagine how much police activity would be freed up to do actual police work instead of harassing consenting adults for engaging in sexual activity. They can focus on real criminals and focus on child and sex traffickers.

And lets be clear not all sex work is sex trafficking.


What’s the one thing politicians love, besides prostitutes? Taxes. Tax each interaction or service and uses those tax dollars to spread awareness for human trafficking for nefarious reasons. And those tax dollars can also be used to promote safe sex education. Not just promote abstinence like the churches want.

Yet it’s some of the priests in those churches who are the real sexual predators out there.

If politicians can use tax payer’s money on lavish trip instead of a podium and then try to cover it up, they could use the tax money for sex services to help promote awareness and sexual education. Right Governor Sarah Huckabee?

Less STDs Being Passed Around

By being in a union and getting tested regularly, the spread of STDs would be lowered. I’m not saying it would be eliminated but with regular testing we could potentially prevent mass spreading of diseases.

Sex work doesn’t have to be a dirty word. The same people who make it a dirty word are the ones who use it most often than lambast others for doing the same thing.

I think prostitution should be legalized and I think there are more benefits to it being legalized than not. I maybe in the minority with that type of thinking, but obviously sex workers and sex related work isn’t going away any time soon, so why not legalize and tax it?

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

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