If feels like every time I walk into Publix I’m baffled at how the prices of Publix keep skyrocketing. Publix motto use to be “Where shopping is a pleasure.” Now it’s, “Bend over and pay up.” It’s absolutely ridiculous how Publix prices have become.
Publix use to be the go to spot for me to do all my food shopping. Since I moved here to Florida in 1993, Publix was the only spot we would shop at. They had the best quality at the deli, the best prices, more options and so on and so on.
Now, I dread going because of the Publix prices are insane.
Of course the reasoning is inflation or supply chain issues or whatever the hot topic button of the day is. But what it comes down to it, Publix has no competition. Like true competition.
Winn-Dixie use to be the closest to competitor Publix had, but they’ve all pretty much closed up shop. Kroger hasn’t come this far south yet and it’s really only Aldi as for an alternative.
I’ve pretty much resigned myself to go to Aldi, Costco and other local markets instead of paying the Publix prices. Hell, I even go to Target because they’re food prices are better.
I’ve gone around and compared Publix prices and they’re consistently higher than anyone else around. I go there for things I can’t get elsewhere, but when I see people with their carts filled to the top all I can think of is how many hundreds of dollars they’re about to drop.
When there was that egg “crisis” they were charging like $7-8 for a 12 count of eggs. Now it’s close to $3 for a dozen but I can go to Target for an 18 count and only pay $1.89.
I went to the freezer section and saw Disney ice cream pops were nearly $10 for 6 of them. Six.

And lets not forget how they use to have the best buy one get one free promotions around. Now it’s buy two and get one free. They’re all about stuffing their shareholder’s pockets with profits.

And to go even further to save money, they’ve started to add self checkouts to a majority of their stores. Now after they rob you with their prices, they’ll make you bag it yourself. Where is the pleasure in shopping there anymore?
After every Thanksgiving I would buy eggnog for me and the kids, but last year I stopped. For a half gallon of Publix eggnog it cost us close to $8. You read that right.
A bag of peanuts is damn near $10. And hotdogs are like $6-7 a pack. I can go to Aldi, buy 10 hotdogs for $1.09 and get the buns for another dollar.

With these Publix prices, it’s driven myself and others like me to shop elsewhere. Prices of everything are going up, but our incomes keep dwindling.
I rather shop at Aldi, Costco and Target than waste any more money at Publix.