The once fabled highest court in the land has become nothing but a clown show hell bent on dismantling the country piece by piece. I don’t say that lightly either. The Supreme Court was once the place for the brightest minds, now it’s filled by people who have no right presiding over a traffic court appearance. As they continue to set the country back to the days of segregation and back to the days where women were nothing more than an accessory for a man, they’ve also revealed what the majority of the judges are. Far right, bigoted politicians; not judges.
It is absolutely true that elections have consequences, but what no one could see was how easily these far right judges could be so easily swayed with bribes, I mean gifts and donations. Judges Thomas and Alito have taken trips, gifts and lord knows what else and never thought to report them until investigative journalism found them. Do you think they care that these gift givers have cases in front of the court? Of course not; they’re just as corrupted as the politicians and Trump supporters who helped orchestrate January 6th.
In the past year the highest court in the land has awarded the Christian right what they wanted; a revert back to the good old days. All the progressive people have fought for; for justice, for equality, for an opportunity thrown away by the very people sworn to uphold the laws and precedents set with them as well.
And where is the punishment for these judges receiving gifts. Hell Kavanaugh had all his debts paid before his appointment. Who bought him? Amy Coney Barrett is another undeserving justice serving. She didn’t have the qualifications to even be considered, but follow the money trail and you’ll see why.
When the ruling to overturn abortion came about, little did we know that it was just the beginning of the end. Lost in the irony of the ruling were all the new judges who, sworn in by oath, said they would not repeal abortion as it was the law of the land. And what did these “judges” do when given the chance, they took away the right for women to receive the medical care they needed.
Abortion critics would always argue people who got abortions were killing babies or using an abortion as a means to have unprotected sex and not to deal with the consequences of those actions. Bullshit thinking on their part.
Abortion was used at times to save the mother from seriously health injuries or even death. Abortion was used so women who were raped or kids who were molested didn’t have to carry their abusers child.
Now these far right Christian activists are delighted that these women can carry God’s gift to them courtesy of their rapists.
Of course if you ask them if they’re killing a chicken because they’re eating the egg they’ll tell you no because it’s not a chicken until it’s born.
What this rogue court done has put the lives of women in danger. And what is even worse it has allowed states and they’re ass backwards leaders to jump on this opportunity to ban it completely. If these Christian Republicans are such advocates for the rights of babies, why don’t they give a damn about them when they’re born?
Affirmative Action
As the Supreme Court rolls back all the progress made, it was only a matter of time before they gutted Affirmative Action. A case came to the court via Asian Americans saying Affirmative Action was a discriminatory practice that limited them from getting into schools like Harvard. God forbid people who were only considered 3/5ths of person for years and for years still fighting for a seat at the table have an opportunity to get into schools that would normally would not accept them based on the color of their skin, income level and everything else that they’re judged by.
And that fact that Judge Thomas used Affirmative action to get into Yale and get to where he is then kick the ladder away for everyone else is some Uncle Tom behavior if I ever saw it.
Affirmative Action wasn’t saying hey they’re black or brown they get in before the rest of you white people. It gave the disadvantaged an opportunity to get the equal chance that white people have been getting since their ancestors stole the land from the Native Americans.
And what these Asian-Americans who filed the suit are going to find out is that just because their skin is lighter than black or brown the white people in charge are going to not let them in because they no longer are required to. They’re going to get treated like everyone else and that is going to be a hard pill to swallow.
The kicker to all this is that legacy kids go unscathed. You know the undeserving kids with C averages but has a daddy or granddaddy who went to the school or has their name above the library, They get to keep skirting qualifications even though they’re not even close to be as deserving as a minority who has a 4.0 GPA and all the requisites to make an outstanding student. They get to go to the school because of who came before them. And you see these same pricks in corporate jobs or in politics talking about the prestigious school they got into but it’s clear as day they’re just as uneducated as the backwoods hillbilly in West Virginia.
Limiting Gay Rights and Protections
Nothing says hate like Christian love and these far white, I mean right, Christians love to hate gays. It seems like the Supreme Court hates gays too. I wonder why.
First and foremost the case of this Colorado women saying she was forced to make a website for a gay person was bullshit from the start. First she has never built a website and two the gay man in question never asked her and more importantly wasn’t gay. She made it up like the Karen she is. And when asked about the court’s decision she said God told her to do it and even mentioned that the victory was a win for everyone even if they don’t believe what she believes.
Where this is going to piss of the MAGA right is that now people have the right to deny them services based on whether they idolize the soon to be convict Donald Trump or deny them service if they have a gun on their hip.
Jon Hamm’s character in the movie, “The Town,” said it best,
This not fucking around thing is about to go both ways.
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley
And this is just the start. These people are coming for gay marriage next and while they’re at it, interracial marriage too. They want the 1950’s back, but what this rogue Supreme Court and all the far right fanatics are going to realize is that they’ve awaken people who normally wouldn’t vote or care to vote.
Gen Z, Millenials aren’t going to stand by as the country heads back to the black and white days. These people didn’t grow up segregated or groomed to be gay like these radical Christian monsters claim.
And if the court keeps going radical it won’t be long before Progressives hold the House , Senate and White House. The Supreme Court will look different as it will get packed with progressives to counter the far right, and always wrong, ideology.
The far right politicians and rogue justices on the Supreme Court have no idea what they’ve done. They think they’re doing God’s work, but they’re sorely mistaken. They’ve awaken the beast that is the youth vote and they’re about to come out of the woodwork to vote against these archaic rulings from people who are completely out of touch with reality. The words of Wyatt Earp in the movie, “Tombstone,” sum it up best how the youth vote feels:
You tell ’em I’M coming… and hell’s coming with me, you hear? And Hell’s coming with me!
Photo by Adam Michael Szuscik on Unsplash