As someone who works in sports as a sports photographer and worked with some amazing women, I’ll never understand why there are some men who will constantly hate on women in sports? From catcalling female photographers to the keyboard warriors who spew just misogynistic vitriol at people they don’t know always baffles me. Like are you that insecure in being a man that you think attacking a women for her views in sports is warranted or makes you more of a man?
I guess the reason for this blog post was this tweet I came across from a woman in sports I follow:
because i left LeBron off my Top 5 Purest Scorers list:
— Ashley Nicole Moss (@AshNicoleMoss) July 13, 2023
Now this macho man went to the extreme to say Lebron would never marry a half breed because he disagreed that Lebron isn’t a top 5 pure scorer. He went even further to say that because she is biracial or mixed that black people made it cool for half black people to be considered “black.”
I don’t know her racial makeup nor do I care. To go after someone’s race because you don’t agree Lebron is a top 5 pure scorer screams little dick energy. He probably thinks Lil Wayne, Drake and Future are top 5 rappers too. Hint: They’re not. And for the record I was crucified years ago when ‘Bron was on the Heat and I said Melo was a better offensive player. And yes I live in South Florida and called a hater. I’m also a Celtics fan so that didn’t help with me being “partial and objective.”
It’s ok to not agree with every take, opinion or post from anyone let alone women. That doesn’t mean you have the green light to act like a dumbass. It’s ok to disagree and keep scrolling, but for these superior gentlemen they feel the need to put people in their place. Because, of course, they know best.
I follow a lot women who work in sports and they always post these type of tweets or replies. You have to be a little bitch of a man to think this is appropriate. I often wonder if they’re just jealous because these women are working in sports and these type of guys are trying to sell you shoe cleaners for your dirty sneakers in the middle of the mall. I’m sure most women would ignore these types of messages, but there are some that just go for the jugular and embarrass the hell out of these guys to the point they either block them or delete their tweets. And rightfully so. Put these jerks on blast.
It’s not just the female podcasters, journalists, photographers, etc. these guys also bash women’s sports as inferior to men’s. I would love to see one of these guys try to post up or score on Candace Parker. It would look like an episode of Jackass where the audience just laughs at the stunt because they got injured.
For them women’s sports can never compare to the athletic prowess or marvel men are in sports. WNBA isn’t real basketball or softball is for people not talented enough to play baseball. Of course I bet some of these keyboard tough guys play in their company’s slow pitch softball league. They’re there for the free beers I’m sure.
Can you imagine some guy telling Elsa Garrison she doesn’t know how to photograph baseball properly? Or say to Doris Burke she doesn’t know a Euro step from the Cha Cha Slide.
According to these tough guys, the only reason women in sports have their job is because of their looks. Forget that they went to school for journalism or broadcasting and have years of experience; it’s because they look good in a thong is the reason why they have their jobs. Or these women are sleeping with the athletes and that is how they have all this “insider info.”
And of course these guys think that men are far superior in every aspect. The same type of guys with more hair on their ass than on their head and lord knows when the last time they’ve been able to see their feet when they’re standing up let alone other body parts.
It’s clear a lot of these sacks of couch potatoes can’t see the talent and knowledge these women possess. They’re use to thinking women belong only in porn or in the kitchen with the kids. I wonder if they know one of their favorite porn stars, Lisa Ann, is into fantasy sports and I’m not talking like a porn fantasy scene. She has or had her own fantasy sports show on Sirius XM and is highly regarded as one of the best fantasy sports minds out there.
There are a lot of different roles for women in sports. They’re the head trainers, coaches for MLB teams, lead broadcast journalists, the social media director, the production director, the photographers etc. – the list goes on and on for all the different roles women have in sports. And here is the part these guys can’t comprehend; they earned and deserved their jobs. They didn’t get them because they know how to twerk on TikTok.
I would love to say it is only the MAGA followers who were this nasty to women, but when it comes to women in sports there is no clear group that just hates on them. It shows there is a lot of insecurity and jealousy among men when it comes to women being in sports. It’s also ironic because these same type of guys will probably post or tweet about how they hate a jealous or insecure woman. They should just say they hate women in general, because that is what it is truly about.
I’ve come to the conclusion that no matter how far we come in regards to equality there are always going to be petulant assholes who will keep trying their hardest to ruin it for others. For no other reason than either sheer jealousy or stupidity on their feeble part.
Women belong in sports. Women belong in the boardrooms making the big decisions. Women belong period.